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Element Index

Easily create your own blocks using Stack’s modular and customizable range of elements.

Do you have an idea or suggestion for elements that
could improve Stack? Contact Us →


Organise content easily with these collapsable accordion tabs

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Clever background and element classes to add color and life

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Form Elements

Styling for all common elements to create beautiful multi-use forms

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Image Backgrounds

Add covering images to any section with simple markup

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Google Maps API with data attributes to modify the map’s appearance

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Navigation In-Page

A solution for navigating single pages

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Pricing options to suit a diverse range of product types

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Combining Flickity slider with a range of customizable data attributes

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Responsive type system that scales appropriately for all devices

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Handy pop-up messages that appear when hovering on an element

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Responsive type system that scales appropriately for all devices

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Distinguish repeatable features using boxed elements

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A customizable countdown timer for coming soon pages, product sales and more

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Gradient Background

A neat decorative effect that adds a sense of life and vibrancy

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Engage users by embedding a feed of photos directly from Instagram

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Ideal for sales promotions, newsletter signups and more

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Useful for cookies notifications, site-wide promos and more

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Customisable radial progress charts for multiple uses

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Styling for common HTML5 table element types with simple class modifiers

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Video Backgrounds

Using local or Youtube videos as a background for any element

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Twitter Feed

Ultra-simple embeddable feeds, requiring only a Twitter account name

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Video Backgrounds

Using local or Youtube videos as a background for any element

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Flexible button elements to suit a range of interactivity purposes

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Ideal for navigation menus, but usable anywhere in your pages

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Grid System

Based on Bootstrap column markup for fast, precise layout building

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Create a screen-filling, navigatable gallery of showcase images

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Navigation Bars

Create the perfect bar for your website or web app

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Silky smooth in-house developed parallax effect

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Scrims & Overlays

Ensure content maintains readability on image background elements

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House discerete groups of content with a range of tabbed content styles

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Video Inline

Attractive inline video covers for maintaining brand consistency

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Typed Text

A neat decorative effect that simulates the typing of a group of strings

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Video Inline

Attractive inline video covers for maintaining brand consistency

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