[vc_row full_width=”stretch_row”][vc_column] These modular elements can be readily used and customized across pages and in different blocks. Explore all of Stack’s modular elementsPricing Tables
at the Element Index Page →[/vc_column_text]
Basic List
A simple option useful as part of a multi-plan price offering. Use the class .boxed–emphasis in conjunction with a label to emphasise the most valued price option.
$4.99Per Month, AUD Inlc GST.
- 24/7 Phone Support
- Unlimited Skips
- Import CSV Data
- Automatic Transfer
Basic Text
A simple option useful as part of a basic price offering. Use the class .boxed–emphasis in conjunction with a label to emphasise the most valued price option.[/vc_column_text]
$79 The regular license allows you to customize, store and even host your website using your platform Value Purchase PlanBasic Image
A simple option useful as part of a basic price offering. Use the class .boxed–emphasis in conjunction with a label to emphasise the most valued price option.[/vc_column_text]
$79The regular license allows you to customize, store and even host your website using your platform
Wide List
A wider option suitable as part of a single or double-plan offering. Use a label to emphasise the most valued pricing option.[/vc_column_text]
- 24/7 Phone Support
- Unlimited Skips
- Import CSV Data
- Automatic Transfer
- 100GB Storage
Minimal List
A minimally styled option ideal for use as part of 3 – 4 part plan offerings. Use a background class such as .bg–primary on the .pricing__head element to emphasise the most valued plan.[/vc_column_text]
$19- Anywhere Access
- 4GB Online Storage
- Import User Data
- Automatic Transfer
- 24/7 Support
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